What is a Lifespan Respite Voucher?
Lifespan Respite WA offers support in the form of a voucher (financial award) for unpaid caregivers who support a family member, friend, or neighbor who has a special need or condition. The voucher is used to pay for services or programs that allow the caregiver to have respite, or “short breaks”. Lifespan Respite vouchers are for short-term respite.
Respite care takes many forms, and care services may include:
- In-Home Services
- Recreation
- Day or Overnight Camps
- Day Services
- Education/Classes
- Retreats
- 24-hour care
About the Voucher
How much is a voucher award? The usual amount of a voucher is $1,000 per household, per year (a year begins when you apply, and ends one year from that date). If you apply for respite for more than one person, the award will be divided among them.
How long do I have to use it? There is a time limit of 90 days (3 months) to use the voucher, which begins on the date you are awarded and notified. If you want to use the voucher for a summer camp or summer recreation program, you can inform us and we will provide time to use the voucher for that purpose.
How do I get respite services with a voucher? You (the caregiver) select respite providers from our list of approved agencies and programs. Then you register or sign an agreement with the agency or program for services. Bills for respite care are sent to Lifespan Respite Washington, and we pay for respite services up to the amount of the voucher.
Can I use a provider that isn’t on your Registered Provider List? If a respite provider you want is not on our list, please contact us at getrespite@wapave.org and we will contact the organization to find out if they meet the qualifications and want to become a Respite Provider Agency. No individuals or independent providers may be used for respite services.
To qualify for a voucher, you must:
- Not get paid to be a caregiver;
- Provide 40 or more hours per week of care or support to someone with a special need or condition (the person can be any age), and the 40 or more hours must include supervision of the person receiving care;
- Live in Washington State;
- Not be able to afford respite care on your own;
- You or the person you care for are not enrolled in any program that provides respite services, unless you are on a wait list and not scheduled to receive services within 30 days of voucher application.
If you are not sure you qualify, especially if you aren’t sure if a service you get is considered respite care, you can contact us at getrespite@wapave.org or call 360-582-6845. We are happy to help!
How to Apply for a Voucher
Apply with the online application. If you provide care for more than one person, you can enter them all on the same application. Note-the total amount of the voucher will be split evenly among the individuals you care for.
You can contact us with any questions or for help applying at getrespite@wapave.org or by calling 253-442-3214.
Completing and submitting an application does not guarantee you will receive a voucher. We do our best to extend the limited resources and there are generally more requests than the current sources of funding. Vouchers are awarded according to priority needs as outlined by funders, including distribution across Washington State. Know of a potential funder? Email us at getrespite@wapave.org.